LLMs for HPC

Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly demonstrating their ability to improve the software development process. Because of this there has been a recent explosion in tools and research that target integrating LLMs into code development processes and even creating new types of tools. Incorporating these approaches into HPC, parallel, and scientific code development has the potential to drastically improve the quality and quantity of software in these fields moving forward. However, HPC code has different concerns and priorities than other areas of computer science, such as a larger emphasis on performance, parallelism, and fidelity. Likewise special attention is needed when designing LLM-based tools for HPC, so that these priorities remain integral in the design.

Our research focuses on evaluating the state-of-the-practice when applying LLMs to parallel coding tasks, improving LLMs at these tasks, and creating LLM-powered developer tools for HPC. These projects can be found in several of our recent publications [1-4] and the Parallel Code Foundry github organization.

ParEval: Evaluating LLM Capabilities for Parallel Code Generation

A crucial step towards creating HPC-specific LLMs is being able to evaluate an LLM’s capabilities on HPC tasks. It is further helpful to identify the shortcomings of current state-of-the-art models to find areas where improvement is needed. In order to conduct this evaluation we created the ParEval benchmark. ParEval is a set of 420 code generation problems ranging across 7 execution models and 12 different computational problem types. Alongside ParEval we also introduced novel metrics for understanding the runtime performance and scaling behavior of LLM generated code.

The plot on the right shows the ParEval pass@1 scores for both serial and parallel code generation for several state-of-the-art open and closed-source LLMs. ParEval Results A higher pass@1 score indicates the model more frequently generates correct code across the benchmark. We immediately see that, while some models are better than others, all of the LLMs are much worse at generating parallel code than they are serial. Unfortunately, we also observe that commercial LLMs generate parallel code much better than open-source LLMs. This motivates the need for open-source LLMs that can generate parallel code well and can compete with commercial models.

An up-to-date list of model scores is available on the ParEval Leaderboard. You can find more details on ParEval and an extensive analysis of the results in our HPDC ‘24 paper “Can Large Language Models Write Parallel Code?” [4]. The prompts and source code for ParEval are available at github.com/parallelcodefoundry/ParEval.

Improving LLMs for HPC Tasks

Based on the results across the ParEval benchmark we know that current state-of-the-art LLMs are bad at generating correct and efficient parallel code. To address these shortcomings we have introduced two fine-tuning methodologies for creating HPC-specific code LLMs [1,3] and aligning the output space of current code LLMs with performance so that they generate faster code [2].

The first of these efforts introduced HPC-Coder, an LLM fine-tuned on HPC data and evaluated on several HPC development tasks. We demonstrated how fine-tuning existing code LLMs on large datasets of HPC code can improve their ability to write HPC and parallel code. This fine-tuned model was further evaluated on the tasks of labeling for-loops with OpenMP pragmas and predicting performance regressions across git commits. You can read more about how HPC-Coder was trained and evaluated in our ISC ‘24 paper “HPC-Coder: Modeling Parallel Programs using Large Language Models” [3].

Developers most often parallelize code to obtain better performance meaning parallel code that is correct, but inefficient is not of much use. RLPF Since ParEval showed us that LLMs can often generate inefficient parallel code we developed a technique called RLPF for fine-tuning LLMs to generate faster code. RLPF is inspired by the popularity of reinforcement learning human feedback (RLHF) where reinforcement learning (RL) is used to align LLMs with human preferred outputs. We adapt this approach to use RL to align code LLMs with faster outputs. An overview of our RLPF approach is displayed on the left.

We were able to accomplish this by combining a large coding contest dataset with synthetically generated data to obtain a large, general performance dataset. Reward Model Using this data we trained a code performance reward model and used it, in conjunction with performance tests, as a reward function in our RL training. An overview of the reward model training is depicted on the right. RLPF fine-tuning was able to improve the expected performance of generated code from the Deepseek Coder LLMs across a variety of tasks.

You can read more about RLPF and find a detailed analysis of our results in our arxiv paper “Performance-Aligned LLMs for Generating Fast Code” [2]. In this paper we further explored other performance alignment fine-tuning methods and also evaluated the LLMs on their performance optimization capabilities.

Related Publications

[1] Daniel Nichols et al, "Modeling Parallel Programs using Large Language Models", Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, SC ’23, November 2023

[2] Daniel Nichols et al, "Performance-Aligned LLMs for Generating Fast Code", arXiv. 2404.18864.

[3] Daniel Nichols et al, "HPC-Coder: Modeling Parallel Programs using Large Language Models", Proceedings of the ISC High Performance Conference

[4] Daniel Nichols et al, "Can Large Language Models Write Parallel Code?", Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing